If you are interested in obtaining an Oregon Concealed Handgun License from the Malheur County Sheriff’s Office you must live in Malheur County, Idaho or Nevada and meet all Oregon legislative requirements.
If you are ready to apply for a new Oregon concealed handgun license, renew Malheur County concealed handgun license or if you need to transfer an Oregon license issued by another county please click on the link below and follow the instructions to start the process.
New Applicants:
To apply new applicants must click on the first link below and complete the process. This includes paying the fee and booking your appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed.
Renewal Applicants:
To apply as a renewal applicant, you must be within 30 days of expiration. If so, please click on the first link below and complete the process. You will pay for your license at this time. After this process is complete all renewal applicants are required to come into the Sheriff’s Office so they can be photographed. Please bring your driver’s license and current or expired Malheur County issued concealed handgun license. No appointment is needed. Office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. This is required before your application can be processed.
Transfer/ Address Change/ Duplicate License Applicants: Please click in the link below.
If you are a new applicant and need to take the required hand gun training you can follow the link below to the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association online concealed handgun training course.