•How do I obtain a Concealed Handgun License?
•Where is the Sheriffs Office & jail?
•How do I apply for employment with MCSO?
•How do I apply for a Ride-along?
•I need to be fingerprinted, who can do that?
•I need papers served, what does it cost?
•How do I get a copy of a police report or motor vehicle crash? What does it cost?
•How can I have an abandoned vehicle towed off private property?
•My vehicle was towed as an abandoned or impounded. What are my options?
•How do I get a copy of my drivers license?
•How do I get a copy of my criminal history?
•Can I get a criminal history background check on someone else?
•Where do I get a Restraining Order?
•How do I get Legal help?
•How can I find out if someone is in jail?
•How do I go about visiting someone in jail?
•Is there a Dog Ordinance in the County?
•Where can I find the County Ordinances (Codes)?